1.) Work with Schools
We intend to work with schools in order to try to prevent Cyber bulling. With schools we intend to try to get the schools to teach the students, the effects of Cyber bullying. The effects as stated before in our research apply both to the victim and the bully. If cyber bulling is taught, teachers can cover various effects such as student’s unwillingness to go to school and low grades due to the cyber-bullying. The schools can try to get the victims to speak out by having programs which encourage this. They can have messages in their newsletters which are sent to the students homes. These newsletters can have a section on cyber bulling. If schools have notice boards, they can have information on where the victims can go to speak out against cyber-bullying, such as the school counsellor.
2.) Work with Government
We wish inform the government of the effects of cyber bullying. The aim is that if the government supports us they will be able to reach out to the target publics on a broader scale. Also the government can have legal laws which will help protect the victims and also state actions which can be taken on the cyber-bullies if they are caught.
Tools :
1.) Blog
The advatages of using Blogs to try to reach out to the target audiunce is atht via the use of blogs it is an easy to follow and it is accessible by the user. Another advantage of Blogs is that it can be used as a starting point for an online community about a certrain event/ group ogf people. For example via the use of the blog the victims will get to know about the effects of bullying and they will understand the various signs of being cyberbullied. For the bully via the blog they will also get to know about the effects of cyberbullying and they may realise that they are conducting cyberbullying unintentional, or if they are doing it intentional they will get to knwo of the effects of cyberbullying on the victims and the effects of cyberbullying on them as the bully.
2.) Press release
The major beneifts of using a Press Release as one of the tools for your camping is that the press release once it is published it can reach a wide audiunce which will include the vistims the bullyies and the helpers. The press release can be sumited to multiple agengies and released on the spot in a fast and efficient manner. Via press release the company can establish relationships witht he media concat personal such as editors of newspapers, adn other media websites. The key advatage being that the information in a press release can be sent out quickily, in the hope to reach the target audience as fast as possible.
3.) MRT / Buses
By using MRT and Buses to advertise our camping, we hope to get the attention of the potential target audiunce, for example say the victim of cyberbullying is using the train to communicate and then on the messages in the subway platform and the doors of the train they see a stop cyberbullying advert or message, they will know that there is help avaliable. Even though the victim may not respond to this message due to the fear of the cyberbully, the concept is that if the victim passes the same message or identical messages, they may a a tendency to react to the cyberbullying which they are going through, and one day ask for help. This tool will prove to be effective because if on a dayily basises are cyberbullied and they see cyberbullying texts or messages, now on a daily bases they will see messages stating that help is avalaible, they need to reach out.
4.) Newspaper Adverts
The benefits of using newspaer adverts for our camping is that in a newspaper advert can reach wide aduinces easily so thus we can try to reach our target publics easily. Seccondly the message that we put in the newspaper can be repeated on a dialy bases, so that in the hope that eventualy the target audiunce is reached and that they can reach out for help. If say the message we psot is stating that help is possible for the victim they can contact these organisations which help prevent cyberbullying such as the local police number, then the victim knowing that they are cyberbullied will repeately see the message in the hope that they will contact their local police and seek help/take action against the cyberbully. The advert that we creat can be of large size and can stand out in the newspaper, so easily visible by the target audiunce.
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