
Monday, August 12, 2013

Situational Analysis & Target Publics

The SWOT Analysis of our campaign:

1: Because we consider different varieties as our media communication tools, that is a better way increase the number of people who can notice about our campaign.
2: We can content with our audience immediately and get feedback, know more details from them.
3: The contacts in our campaign are flexible and each of our member take their responsibility in our campaign and increase the performance.

1: It is our first time to do public relation campaign so we have less experiences.
2: As a blog, the rallying point are not enough to influence their behaviour.
3: We need a long time to set a good relationship with our audience because when we use blog, the popularity is the most important item for us to spread our information and our activity.

1: If some relevant department or government support our campaign, we can face more audience use other approach of media communication tools to deliver more positive sprite to them.
2: Cyber bullying is a normal problem over the world, so we have a huge number of audience to let them know more information about cyber bullying.

1: If some relevant department or government wont support our campaign, it will be tough for us to continue our activity deeper and be successfully about our campaign.
2: There are several similarity over the society and they have more experiences than us.

Target publics:

A. Government
The first of our target publics that we wish to inform of the effects of Cyber-bullying is the Goverment bodies. These are important publics because if the goverment will support our camping we will thereby be able to raise more funds for the camping and thus will be able to reach a wider audiunce. For example is say the Goverment of Singapore supports our camping activities we can then request for funds to conduct our activities such as the cyber-bullying day event and also the goverment is a useful public because they can enforce that cyberbullying be taught in local schools and that the teachers should teach the effects of cyberbullying, how it can be prevented and what can be done about this isssue. Via Goverment support our camping has a high chance of reaching very audiunces - the bullies, the victims and the supporters, for cyber-bullying.
B. Media

The media is a useful tool for reaching our target publics as the reach of the media is very strong, and they have various means to be able to reach out to the target publics. The media personal can help us to inform the victims in particular that there is help avaliable and that steps can be taken to prevent cyber-bullying. The media can also help infrom the public of the effects of cyber-bullying and show the seriousness of the issue at hand. Via the use of the media we hope to create a wide amount of awarness for the issuse at hand in the hope that the victims will speak out and help can be provided for.

C. Victims of cyber-bullying

Our camping is largely aimed at this segement. These are the victims of cyberbullying.Our camping looks at trying to inform this segment in particular that help is avaliable for them and that cyber-bullying can be stooped and how it can be done. This target public is important because many victims of cyberbullying do not tend to react to cyberbullying, thereby suffering the concequences and the effetcs of cyberbullying. The campaing hopes to prevent this issue and tell this particular segemnt that help is avaliable, what they can do to prevent cyberbulling and we wish to urge this segement to speak out against cyberbulling.

D. The cyber bully themselves

Our camping also looks at trying to inform cyberbullies that cyberbulling needs to be stopped. We wish to inform the cyberbullies that if they are conducting cyberbullying they should stop doing so, we have discussed ways of how cyberbulling is condcuted and thus if say the cyberbully is unaware of the fact that they are condcuting cyberbulling we have stated ways of how cyberbylling is condcuted and if the bully feels that they are using any of these ways stated they can understand that they are conducting cyberbullying and stop doing so. Those cyberbullies who are fully aware of the fact that they are condcuting cyberbulling will now be informed of the concequences they face if they continue doing so.

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